Can I really "smoke" anywhere?
For the most part this is true. There aren't any laws prohibiting someone from vaping in a restaurant, bar or even the grocery store. This is something we as smokers hadn't been able to do in many years. But this new found freedom has the potential to be an issue with some non-smokers who do not understand what vaping is. To vape or not to vape? This is where we run in to different opinions in the vaping community, some believe we should just vape anywhere because "it's not smoking", others believe we should be more reserved and considerate to other non-users. This is a tricky line to walk, on one side by using our devices in public we are getting the word out about PV's and "normalizing" VAPING as an alternative to traditional cigarettes (not "re-normalizing" smoking, as some "anti" groups would like us to believe). But at the same time, some may find the use of these devices in public to be offensive. Hopefully as time passes and more people begin to understand that these products do not pose a hazard to bystanders, it will likely become more accepted. That's not to say that there won't always be detractors. As smokers we have been shunned for a long time and many of us are very happy to have a way to enjoy our nicotine in public. Let's keep it that way, if someone ask you to stop using your device in their place of business please respect their wishes regardless of whether you agree with it or not. Be respectful and take it as an opportunity to educate, not offend. Your actions could have repercussions for the vaping community as a whole whether that be positive or negative. Please be courteous when it comes to vaping in public. Unlike smoking a cigarette we have the option to "stealth vape" or at the very least be discreet. With vaping it isn't necessary to blow huge plumes of vapor for the device to do it's job - which is to deliver nicotine to the user. As vapers most of us enjoy fogging up a room from time to time, but we should also understand that vaping in the "wrong" place at the "wrong" time can be very disrespectful to others around us. If you are in a bar or restaurant you can always ask about their policy on vaping, whatever their response - be respectful. This is a relatively new technology and until such time as the general public accepts this as an viable alternative to exposing people to second hand smoke we need to consider our individual actions as a reflection on all vapers. In the meantime, as a community, we need to avoid shooting ourselves in the collective foot. Always remember that we are ambassadors of a sort, and if we want vaping to be accepted by the powers that be we need to respect that. Please help to keep vapers in a positive light, don't give them an excuse to put us out with the smokers huddled together by the dumpster. *Pima County residents should be aware that as of 1/1/2013 the Pima County Board of Supervisors banned smoking on all county properties (except parks). Unfortunately this misguided attempt to protect their employees and the general public also includes the use of electronic cigarettes and other smokeless tobacco products. If we can educate the public about vaping and what it can do to progress the concept of Tobacco Harm Reduction, maybe we will be able to get electronic cigarettes exempted from this ruling in the future. |
Stealth Vaping (stělth vāping) v. 1.The act of discreetly using an electronic cigarette or personal vaporizer in public. 2. To stealth vape the user inhales vapor into lungs then holds it in a few seconds longer than usual then simply exhales slowly and most vapor will dissipate. The user is able to enjoy their nicotine without drawing unwanted attention. 3. E-liquid with a high PG content will produce less vapor and will make the practice even easier. Anti-THR Lies BlogFollow Dr. Carl V. Phillips as he exposes the mis-information used to fight against Tobacco Harm Reduction
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