If you are new to vaping all this talk about ohms, voltage & wattage might seem a little confusing. As a rule of thumb just remember if you are using a low resistance atomizer (under 2 ohms) keep your voltage low 3.2 volts to around 4 volts. The higher the resistance of your atomizer the more voltage you can use. (low resistance = lower voltage, high resitance = higher voltage). The chart below gives more detailed recommendations of where the "sweet spot" generally is for various resistances. If you are using a variable voltage device the best thing you can do is start low and turn it up a little at a time until it feels right to you, if you get it to high and it taste burnt, just back it off a little.
For a more detail description of how this all works take a look at this article from EcigAdvanced
For a more detail description of how this all works take a look at this article from EcigAdvanced